"How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they beliebve in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Romans 10:14)
Our ministry seeks to enable our CBC Family to obey and participate in the Great Commission. We do this by supporting global, national & local missionaries both long and short-term, and by providing opportunities to participate in mission trips.
Introduction Missionary Application-Short or Long term
For more info contact Stuart Lealess
The Ark (Local Mission) Sarah Campbell - Executive Director
New Life Prison Ministries (National Mission) Nadia Zeversenuke - Executive Director
Forest Cliff Camps (Local Mission) Tyler Shaule - Executive Director
International Student Ministries Canada (Local Mission) Stuart & Mary Smith
Child Evangelism Fellowship (National Mission) Hannah Smith - Area Coordinator, London
Rising Above Healing Ministries (National Mission) Ben Lim - Executive Director
Galcom (Global Mission) Alastair & Shelley Wyatt
MSC (Global Mission) Serge & Jennifer Kamari serving in Rwanda
London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre (Local) Staff at LPFSC