From the Pastors Desk


    • Oct4Fri

      Helpful Online Resources for the Christian -Bible.Org

      October 4, 2019 Pastor Byron Hand

      Last week we looked at Todd Friel and Wretched Radio. This week I wanted to expose you to probably my favourite online resource for Christians who desire to grow in their faith and knowledge of the scriptures: Bible.Org. 

      To say that this site is Big is an understatement. I’m not sure that “massive” even comes close. Having said that, this site and the resources available on the site are expanding even as I write. You will also notice that the word “free” is used freely and generously on this site. That is because the great majority of what this group offers is just that, free. The items that are not in the free category are only a few … but also are very good. They have some books and software for sale. They are also in partnership in the production of The NET Bible, a very good newer translation of the Bible with expansive study notes. That’s enough about that. 

      Bible.Org is a nondenominational Bible based site that exists to freely share the good news from God to the entire world so you can KNOW the Truth about life and eternity. That’s what they do in a nutshell, and they do it well. Their sub-title to the site is “Where the World Comes to Study the Bible.” Bible.Org is theologically conservative and very accessible to the everyday person (You do not need a theology degree to read the material). 

      They desire to help you search and find scriptural truths, they provide free access on the 

      over 16,000 articles which represent the finest, most trustworthy biblical truths and materials from Pastors and Scholars around the world. 

      The website is built around three major links: Study; Resources and Store (We won’t look at Store). Let’s look at the first two:  

      1. Study – Under this link, let’s say you want to study the book of Deuteronomy. You can click on the link for book, find the link to Deuteronomy, and before you know it your page is flooded with resources on the entire book of Deuteronomy. You can also search and study by verse (i.e. John 3:16), topic (i.e. love), or author (i.e. Bill McRae – Yes he is there). It is a veritable goldmine of bible study resources.  

      2. Resources – Under this link your access to help for ministry has just grown exponentially. There are articles on nearly any topic you can imagine. There is a theology program which will take you through a study of all the major theological topics in the bible. There are 2 Q&A sections: One on theology and one for life’s questions. On the left side of the page there are four key resource sections that lead you to MORE resources. These sections cover four major categories: MEN’S MINISTRY; WOMEN’S MINISTRY; CHILDREN’S MINISTRY; AND PASTOR’S MINISTRY. Each section takes you to more resources … did I already mention that? I love this website. 

      There is too much on for me to tell you about it all in this brief introduction. PLEASE go and check it out yourself … here is a resource that will give you the materials needed to grow in and understand your faith more clearly. DIG IN! 


      See You Sunday,

      Pastor Byron