From the Pastors Desk
The Not-So Subtle Opposition of the Diffusion of Responsibility
November 15, 2019 Pastor Byron HandI realize that the title is a mouth-full. Let me explain: The Diffusion of responsibility defined is “when a task is placed before a group of people, there's a strong tendency for each individual to assume someone else will take responsibility for it—so no one does.”
Many reasons exist for our falling intothis trap. We're all busy with our own lives and don't want to get involved. We may not believe we're the best person to assume responsibility. We may not care about the issue involved. We may be lazy. After all, no four words in the English language are ever easier to say than: it's not my problem.
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, to His disciples, “I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (NLT) That, along with Matthew 28:18-20, are his marching orders for His church. When we add to that the fact that each one of us has been gifted (empowered) to serve in His church (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-7; Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 4:10-11). We have a pretty compelling reason to believe that a major responsibility that each Christian bears is the responsibility to serve within the local church.
A couple of weeks ago we commissioned four young ladies to serve in our children’s ministry (Alison, Jenna, Julie, and Krista). Sharon has worked diligently to pass the baton to the next generation … preparing the next generation. Frankly, our children’s ministry is exciting. Since 2014 our children’s ministry has grown by 12 families representing 23 more children (totalling now about 45). Thank you Sharon for leaving children’s ministry in a better place. Thank you Allison, Jenna, Julie, and Krista for taking your responsibility to Christ’s church seriously. Would you be interested in helping to shoulder the responsibility in children’s ministry? Contact: to age 5); ); - Awana-JK-Gr. 8);
(Jenna’s responsibilities include administration and promotion).Each week at CBC we are blessed to be able to sing praises to our KING. Dave Isaac has taken responsibility of this vital ministry for quite a number of years, we thank him. Dave is looking for people who will help him in shouldering this responsibility. He is looking for a new team: worship leader; vocalists; instrumentalists who desire to be used of the Lord in worship ministry. Would you be willing to take responsibility and serve in worship ministry? Contact Dave at
Will you take some time this week and prayerfully consider where you can serve Christ in this church? (By the way I do believe that a Christian’s primary responsibility for service is within their local church) If you are already maxed out, will you take a moment to encourage these leaders in their responsibilities? These leader’s looked at a task and DIDN’T SAY“it's not my problem.”
As we think of the Not-So Subtle Opposition of the Diffusion of Responsibility let me leave you with a brief poem.
There’s a clever young guy named Somebody Else,
There’s nothing this guy can’t do.
He is busy from morning till way late at night,
Just substituting for you.
You’re asked to do this or you’re asked to do that
And what is your ready reply?
Get Somebody Else to do that job,
He’ll do it much better than I.
So much to do in this weary old world—
So much and workers so few,
And Somebody Else, all weary and worn,
Is still substituting for you.
The next time you’re asked to do something worthwhile,
Just give this ready reply:
If Somebody Else can give time and support,
My goodness, so can I
See You Sunday … Our Text will be 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10
Pastor Byron